
Fogadjatok örökbe egy fát

"A földet nem szüleinktől örököltük, hanem unokáinktól vettük kölcsön!"

Be the change you want to see in the world!

"Tedd meg a változást, amit a világban látni szeretnél!"

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"A legmegfelőbb alkalom a faültetéshez 20 éve volt... A második legjobb lehetőség MOST van!


  1. Be it known, that this certificate of adoption is hereby awarded to


    for adopting a living tree.

    The above SleeperTree member is taking an active role in helping to protect and preserve our natural forests worldwide. This sponsorship signifies both their commitment to making a positive impact on the world around them, and their dedication to sharing the wonders of this beautiful Earth with those around them.

    This very tree is part of an oak forest located in Transylvania, near the town Lopadea Noua. The owner of the forest is earl Farkas Banffy.

    Mr Banffy and his ancestors were living on this part of Europe for centuries, and many of the towns and villages in the area are named after them (eg.: Banffyhunyad). They are traditionally landowners, earning their money from agriculture and forestry. Their lands were secularized after the Second World War, and are given back to the family continuously, since the democratical change in Romania. Mr Banffy currently owns 400 hektares (988 acres) of forests.

    An agreement between Mr Banffy and SleeperTree ensures, that this tree will not be timbered down for at least the next 30 years, or quite possibly for a longer period of time. According to our agreement Mr Banffy separated 50 hektares (120+ acres) of forest, and pulls it out from commercial use, turning it into a natural forest habitat.

    Thank you for supporting our mission at SleeperTree, and helping us strengthening the message of protection of natural forest habitats!

  2. En koszonom! Amugy tied a website?
